We are celebrating Constitution Week at MPTC!!!
The libraries of all three campuses (Beaver Dam, Fond du Lac, and West Bend) are giving away pocket-sized copies of the Constitution. Full-size replicas of the Constitution will also be posted at each campus library. A fact sheet and Constitutional Quiz will be handed out - challenge your friends! Impress others with your knowledge of American history!
The first goal of Constitution Week is to promote an awareness of our Constitution, but isn't it also a great opportunity to be patriotic? In that spirit, I give you President Kennedy's "Ask Not" speech, set to modern music:
But hey, I'm not done yet.... Did you know that the first ten amendments to the Constitution are known as The Bill of Rights?
Maybe we are taking the Bill of Rights for granted. A really cool animated vignette from the Bill of Rights Institute will show you just what "Life Without the Bill of Rights" would be like.

Sneak Preview: Our newspaper headlines might look like this if we didn't have free speech.
There's still more to come.... Stay tuned!
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