Those words inspired one man’s mission to eliminate slavery. Who was this man? His name was John Brown.Behold the tears of such oppressed and they had no comforter, and on the side of their oppressors there was power; but they had no comforter. Ecclesiastes 4:1
John Brown not only believed in the abolition of slavery; he also believed that all men are created equal. His vision was so intense that Frederick Douglass once said this about John Brown, “His zeal in the cause of my race was greater than mine. I could live for the slave, but he could die for him” (Hendrix, 2009, p. 39).

Many view John Brown as a controversial historical figure. John Hendrix, the author of John Brown: His Fight for Freedom; however, begs to differ. Hendrix portrays John Brown as an individual following his deepest convictions fueled by his determination.
Although written for young readers in mind, we recommend this book for all readers.
*Read an outstanding illustrated review of this book from Seven Impossible Things Before Breakfast (a blog about books).
**Discover for yourself. You can find it at Fond du Lac Campus Library,
Call Number: E 451 .H46 2009
contributed by Katie
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